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You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. If the PostgreSQL driver does not appear in the list, then it has failed to load probably because of some missing dependencies. Build the main xTuple application. The source folders for these components must reside in the same folder for the compile process to succeed not exactly true, but close enough:. If you want to do so, copy the plugin library to the right location. This isn't necessary with Qt SDK Get and install PostgreSQL. qt sdk 2009.04

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If you want to do so, copy the plugin library to the right location. Sdi is a version control system used by some of xTuple's development partners. Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free so please, join our community today! Maybe it is helpful for you. Build the main at application. The prebuilt package for Qt using MinGW can be downloaded from http: If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact us.

Development Environment Setup on Macintosh from source. Get and install Subversion. The source code for the xTuple projects is broken into several distinct pieces listed in increasing order of dependency:.

qt sdk 2009.04

There I have to put the qt version and the path. This will create a C: The configure command will take a few minutes to complete.

Now run this command:.

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You will need it to build the email integration portions of xTuple Connect. Get and install PostgreSQL. Here are the specific at to follow to create a development environment. If you decide to use RapidSVN, you will need to get that separately from http: Get and install Nokia's Qt. Basic goals and platform-independent information are given at the beginning of each step, followed by platform-specific information.

Could you explain me in detail. By joining our free community you will have access to post topics, communicate privately 0209.04 other members PMrespond to polls, upload content and access many other special features.

qt sdk 2009.04

You will be prompted for the edition q Qt you want to use, and then the license agreement. The path I wrote is D: Click on the link for your operating system.

qt sdk 2009.04

We must now build QT to include the sqldrivers. If you want to distribute your compiled xTuple ERP binaries to other machines, you'll need to bundle the necessary shared libraries and distribute the whole collection.

Run the downloaded executable or open the. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives 209.04 limited access to view most discussions and access our other features.


Choose whether you are going to download a binary or source package and follow the appropriate links. The steps in this document were tested using Windows Vista and the 200.904 Explorer web browser. Join Date Oct Posts Get and install Git. Results 1 to 5 of 5. I wrote the version 1. We found that MSVC required more work than MinGW to distribute binaries to non-build machines or to run the resulting binaries from file servers.

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